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    Real-time visibility of whole-system, BRAG-rated data, displaying an at-a-glance view of demand and capacity pressure for all urgent care providers.

    Why SHREWD Resilience?

    Optimise Patient Flow

    Provide early warnings of increasing pressure to enable preventative action

    Improve Patient Outcomes

    Maximise efficiency and improve consistency to enhance patient safety

    Reduce administrative burden

    Automate system reporting through a central ‘single version of the truth’

    Reduce whole-system pressure

    Utilise all available capacity to meet demand across the system

    Save time & reduce delays

    Proactively alert users to situational changes to enable fast action responses

    Integrate siloed systems

    Improved cohesive approach through mutual aid transfers and data sharing

    Predict Future Demand

    Utilise data to implement effective processes to plan and prepare for future

    SHREWD provides me with a helicopter view of the whole system; what's going on, where there could be some potential issues, what happened the previous day and also what's happening right now. By looking at SHREWD, I'm able to see any problems very quickly. It's efficient, itʼs helpful.

    Head of Urgent and Emergency Care, Clinical Commissioning Group

    Being able to see, in real time, how many ventilator beds are being used on each site and the levels of staff absence, gives us an essential picture of the pressures in different parts of our local system. It allows us to work with all our hospitals in a co-ordinated way that helps both patients and hospital staff.

    Tactical Commander, NHS Incident Control Centre, ICS

    This system has transformed our working practices and saved significant problems. It has helped our operational teams and commissioners to really get to the root causes of pressure within the health economy.

    CCG Clinical Chair

    SHREWD resilience, currently deployed across over 68% of the NHS in England, is a cloud-based, data visualisation tool that creates instant visibility of pressure for whole health and social care systems.

    SHREWD Resilience provides a live helicopter view of pressure in the urgent care system, for all providers, enabling users to identify
    where support is needed to improve flow and implement effective operational processes.

    A single version of the truth

    SHREWD Resilience is a cloud-based application that takes complex digitised data from multiple providers across healthcare systems, from Acute and community trusts to ambulance and primary care, and creates instant, automated, whole-system visibility of pressure, creating one single version of the truth. This is used to provide a real-time view of pressure points in the flow of patients through the urgent and emergency care pathway. Users can focus on where support is required in order to improve flow and manage demand and capacity.

    BRAG rated Dashboard

    Data is automated and captured in real time and accessible via a BRAG rated dial and dashboard view through a web interface and smartphone/ mobile application, so users can inspect the precise reasons driving pressure within just a few clicks. The inbuilt notification system proactively alerts users to situational changes so that action can be taken quickly. This helps to avoid breaches of targets for performance measures and ultimately improves patient care, saves valuable time and maintains patient safety.

    Data integration and cross-system working

    This utilisation of live data sharing helps to deliver the prescriptive intelligence required to empower decision makers with key information to better co-ordinate and streamline patient care across any geographical footprint. By providing a critical strategic overview of growing pressure in urgent and emergency, it helps to load balance and support mutual aid transfers between providers, enabling an integrated, tactical response to reduce pressure, resolve delays and improve care delivery services.

    What makes Resilience different?

    Works across smartphone or tablet

    Utilises real-time data from all system providers

    Notifications alert individual users when pressure levels change

    BRAG rated at-a-glance view of pressure

    Dashboard view of detailed pressure indicators

    Deployed in over 68% of NHS in England