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    S12 Solutions

    Supporting the mental health crisis care pathway through digital innovation

    The only platform that supports the mental health crisis care pathway from the point of referral for Mental Health Act (MHA) assessment to discharge from hospital.

    Timely access to the most appropriate care

    S12 Solutions facilitates joined-up working between health and social care, enabling mental health professionals to complete MHA processes with greater efficiency. The platform allows approved mental health professionals (AMHPs) to identify available section 12 (s.12) doctors in proximity to assessment locations, and the option to filter profiles by specialisms, languages and gender, encouraging timely access to MHA assessment and the most appropriate outcome for each person subject to the MHA. The platform’s suite of electronic MHA and claim forms reduce the administrative burden on professionals, allowing them more time to focus on people subject to the MHA and their human rights. S12 Solutions is also able to process and pay doctors’ claims on behalf of accountable organisations, further minimising administration for staff, while encouraging more doctors to make themselves available for s.12 work.

    Data supports evidence-based service improvements

    Improving data to evidence the expansion and transformation of care pathways is a key action for mental health services, with focus on activity, timeliness of access, equality, quality and outcomes data. S12 Solutions provides MHA assessment activity data to Site project teams every month, which includes doctor availability, time taken between MHA assessment processes, and use of doctor specialism search criteria. Activity data can be used to help Sites develop integrated improvements to workforce plans and processes.

    Support contributes to improved outcomes

    S12 Solutions supports 8,000+ people across 80% of the country’s health and social care systems. This coverages gives S12 Solutions unique insight into national challenges and best practice, which are shared by our team, pre and post implementation, to help the platform realise its potential. The team also delivers small group and group training, online or in-person, as well as one-to-one support for people who would appreciate more help. S12 Solutions can also supply an evaluation toolkit and return on investment calculator, developed by independent researchers, to measure time and cost efficiencies from across the local system.

    The Products

    Statutory Mental Health Act Forms

    Electronic Statutory MHA forms to help mental health professionals efficiently.

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    MHA Assessment Team organisation

    Helping mental health professionals efficiently complete MHA processes, leaving them more time to focus on supporting people subject to the MHA and their human rights.

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    S12 Electronic Claim Forms

    Providing an electronic means of creating, submitting and processing section 12 (s.12) doctors’ claims for MHA assessments.

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    Paying Claims

    Process and pay Section 12 Doctors easily online.

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    Timely MHA assessment team organisation

    Connecting AMHPs with available s.12 doctors in proximity to assessment locations

    Most appropriate assessment team for each person

    AMHPs can search for doctors by specialisms, languages and gender

    Staff time released

    Electronic MHA and claim forms enhance professionals’ efficiency, productivity and compliance

    Evidence-based improvements

    MHA assessment activity data can be used to develop integrated improvements to workforce plans

    Measure impact

    Evaluation toolkit and return on investment calculator can be used to assess time and cost savings

    Net Zero target contribution

    Support NHS Net Zero targets by reducing the environmental and financial impact of paper processes

    Supporting 8,000+ mental health professionals

    Working with 80% of mental health trusts

    83,562 assessments created in 2022

    I’m sure you must get similar feedback all the time but while I’ve been speaking to you just wanted to use this opportunity to say how much S12 has improved my experience of AMHP practice. Significantly reducing time of finding doctors, easier to have a trail and record of assessments undertaken…the list goes on.

    Senior Social Worker/AMHP

    [Site Name] implemented the S12 Solutions application in April 2020, as a result of the implementation we have observed a number of improvements within our locality. This includes job satisfaction as AMHPs have an easy system to secure S12 doctors for MHAA, efficiencies within time as AMHPs have an automated system to secure Doctors and clear audit trails regarding the MHAA arrangements. Payments via S12 Solutions are now streamlined and AMHPs are not being involved when payments are delayed. Overall the application has had a positive impact on our service delivery.

    EDT Service Manager

    A patient had been assessed under the MHA by an AMHP and two doctors, all had completed their med recs on the S12 Solutions app. The AMHP was not on site at the point the papers were ready for acceptance, but was able to send them from the app to the local clinical lead in the acute hospital where they were immediately accepted. This enabled the patient to then be quickly transferred under section 19 to a mental health bed. Use of the app enabled the AMHP to ensure the papers were received by the acute hospital quickly, avoiding need for any travel and delay.

    Mental Health Law Practice Development Manager