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    Improve Patient Flow

    End-to-end Pathway management

    Reduce Pressure

    Load Balance & provide mutual aid

    Reduce delays

    Predict Demand

    Combining real-time data sharing & patient tracking lists to create a centralised Operational Control Centre to optimise flow through rigorous operational oversight and response.

    SHREWD Command takes complex data from multiple providers across the wider healthcare system, tracking patients through all stages of varying pathways, and creates whole-system visibility through one centralised display.

    Operational Control Centres

    SHREWD Command is an operational control centre solution that combines a strategic overview of whole-system pressure via regional heatmaps, with a simplified display of detail via data dashboards, along with an alert functionality to notify teams of growing pressure, and utilises Patient Tracking Lists (PTLs) to drill down into more detail at individual patient level. It enables clinical staff to proactively respond to flow pressures ensuring they can monitor areas of surge in real-time, enabling the system to protect and support vulnerable sites, and patient care, by working collaboratively with all system providers.


    Real-time Strategic Version of Truth

    Providing a critical strategic overview of growing pressure, in both urgent and emergency and elective care pathways, it helps to load balance and support mutual aid transfers between providers, enabling an integrated, tactical response to reduce pressure, resolve delays and improve care delivery, and enables health networks to effectively manage patient flow, balance demand and capacity, and improve operational efficiency across an entire region.

    Beautiful Information Screenshot

    Strengthened System Working and Improved Flow

    End-to-end pathway management throughout the entire healthcare system is made possible through critical strategic overview of pressure to monitor early warnings across the wider infrastructure. Detailed patient tracking and demand and capacity visibility supports load balancing, mutual aid transfers of care, reduced risk and improved flow across the system.

    What makes Command different?

    Live BRAG Rated Heatmaps

    Real-time BRAG rated dial and dashboard view of whole system pressure

    Centralised version of the truth

    Multiple screens for clear and consistent visibility

    Available on mobile and tablet for remote monitoring

    Live Patient Tracking Lists

    Reports, analysis and trends to predict demand