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    Real-time visibility of the whole health system

    A live operational management platform that provides instant visibility of whole-system data, supporting improved patient flow and safer, more effective care for patients.

    Operational control centres

    SHREWD was established to solve the challenges associated with how you can capture and transform health data from a wide range of sources to provide actionable insights across whole health systems. Through our award-winning portfolio of real-time operational management solutions, we are playing a pivotal role in supporting the NHS to implement digital transformation at scale through system coordinations centres. The SHREWD platform offers a range of live visibility tools to effectively manage patient flow, demand and capacity, whole-system pressure, and improve operational performance across a region.

    One single version of the truth

    SHREWD currently has both the technology and experience of bringing systems together, in a way that can be tailored to address the needs of the locality. Developed in collaboration with the NHS, SHREWD takes complex digitised data from multiple providers across healthcare systems, from Acute and community trusts to ambulance and primary care, including independent sector providers, and creates instant, automated, whole-system visibility of pressure, creating one single version of the truth.

    Integrate care across providers

    This utilisation of live data sharing helps to deliver the prescriptive intelligence required to empower decision makers with key information to better co-ordinate and streamline patient care across any geographical footprint.

    By providing a critical strategic overview of growing pressure, in both urgent and emergency and elective care pathways, it helps to load balance and support mutual aid transfers between providers, enabling an integrated, tactical response to reduce pressure, resolve delays and improve care delivery services.

    The Products

    A portfolio of solutions to solve the challenges associated with how you can capture, transform and easily display a wide range of healthcare data, from multiple providers in real time, to create a centralised System Coordination Centre and a single version of the truth.

    The core to SHREWD’s success has been the in-depth understanding that we have of data flows, data management, data translation, visual display and actionable insights that drive behavioural change to improve patient flow and enhance operational resilience.

    Using live BRAG rated dials, dashboards and heatmaps, our SHREWD modules enable users to recognise early warnings in and around the wider infrastructure  and take action quickly, helping to avoid breaches of targets for performance measures, saving valuable time, and maintaining patient safety.

    By providing a critical strategic overview of growing pressure, in both Urgent and Emergency and Elective Care pathways, it helps to load balance and support mutual aid transfers between providers, enabling an integrated, tactical response to reduce pressure, resolve delays and improve care delivery services.


    Real-time visibility of whole-system, BRAG-rated data, indicating demand and capacity pressure for all urgent care providers.

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    A strategic territorial overview of real-time urgent and emergency care pressure, indicating OPEL statuses per system.

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    Regional visibility of category specific data, enabling pressure analysis and intelligence to enact immediate response actions.

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    A patient empowerment app that displays live queue numbers, wait times, and travel time for all local urgent treatment facilities.

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    A system-wide view of demand, capacity and waits across all planned care providers, including private sector, enabling resource utilisation.

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    Digitised action plans to tackle any surge or escalation within the system, sending real-time alerts to staff on the ground.

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    Centralised visibility of all operational data, at patient and pathway level, creating a system control centre to improve flow and care delivery.

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    All the functionality you need and more

    At-a-glance view of live system pressure

    Utilises real-time data from all providers across a systems

    Notifications alert individual users when pressure levels change

    Encourages integrated working through data sharing

    Allows manual updates where data cannot be automated

    Provides reporting functionality to understand trends

    The Numbers

    Deployed in over 68% of the NHS in England

    Used by over 1100 NHS providers nationally

    Implemented by 71% of NHS Regional teams

    SHREWD provides me with a helicopter view of the whole system; what's going on, where there could be some potential issues, what happened the previous day and also what's happening right now. By looking at SHREWD, I'm able to see any problems very quickly. It's efficient, itʼs helpful.

    Head of Urgent and Emergency Care, Clinical Commissioning Group

    This system has transformed our working practices and saved significant problems. It has helped our operational teams and commissioners to really get to the root causes of pressure within the health economy.

    CCG Clinical Chair

    Being able to see, in real time, how many ventilator beds are being used on each site and the levels of staff absence, gives us an essential picture of the pressures in different parts of our local system. It allows us to work with all our hospitals in a co-ordinated way that helps both patients and hospital staff.

    Tactical Commander, NHS Incident Control Centre, ICS