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    Reduce Ambulance Handover Delays


    Improve 4 hour performance

    Improve Category 2 response times 

    Save time interpreting multiple data sources to understand the current position 

    Improve visibility and awareness of system-wide issues at a strategic level

    Utilise available capacity to ease the pressure on over-utilised A&E departments 

    An intelligent ambulance conveyancing solution that combines data from multiple NHS providers and trusts, across a large geographical area, to display system pressures in real time.

    A live BRAG rated map view of Urgent and Emergency care pressure that supports Inter-agency interoperability, communication, shared situational awareness, and understanding of risk.

    Reduce Ambulance Handover Delays

    SHREWD Vantage creates a centralised version of truth for ambulance providers, pan region, enabling them to buy time by allowing decision-makers to quickly view demand and resource levels and take action to alleviate pressure across multiple sites. This at-a-glance view of pressure helps staff to redirect ambulance teams to less pressured sites, reducing ambulance handover delays.

    Intelligent Ambulance Conveyancing

    SHREWD Vantage works in combination with SHREWD Resilience to provide a live view of pressure across a large geographical area. It displays data from multiple systems, trusts and providers via a real-time BRAG rated heatmap, with a filter functionality to show specific key data sets from the SHREWD Resilience dashboard across a defined geographical area, such as: 

    • Bed Capacity
    • ED wait times
    • Ambulance handover delays
    • Community discharges
    • DTOCs

    Redistribute Resources to improve interagency interoperability

    SHREWD Vantage supports decision-makers to identify which resources can be shared and re-distributed and ensures greater visibility of shared situational awareness. This integrated approach supports effective responses to surge and escalation, helps to improve 4 hour performance, reduce ambulance handover delays, support Category 2 Ambulance response times, and allows for review and analysis of trends and patterns.

    What makes Vantage different?

    Compiles data from multiple sources, providers and trusts all in one place

    Identifies pressure immediately to compare support requirements and availability

    Trajectories are visible for all data sets to indicate the direction of travel

    Visibilty can be filtered by specific criteria and data set

    At-a-glance heatmap view within seconds and easily drill down for further detail