£70K per annum saving on printing costs since launching eOutcomes across the trust (at a medium sized trust)
Replace paper forms by digitally recording patient appointment outcomes, improving data capture and audit trails, and supporting an increase in clinic efficiency.
Digitally recording outcomes can help recover previously lost hospital income due to lost / incomplete paperwork
Improve clinic and operational efficiency by removing double data entry and the validation process associated with paper processes
Reduce the environmental and financial impact of paper processes
Removes patients from the auditing and appointment recording process
Improve communication channels between clinicians and admin staff
Designed to deliver quality improvements in healthcare settings by accurately capturing outcome and procedure codes, eOutcomes replaces paper outcome forms with a digital appointment outcome form that integrates with the hospital’s PAS / EPR. eOutcomes’ intuitive design is easy to use and ensures accurate data capture of appointment outcomes. eOutcomes can be used to record appointment outcomes across all appointment types – face-to-face hospital appointments, virtual (telephone and video) and remote appointments in the community. Intelligent functionality support staff, including alerts notifying administrative staff of the need to book a follow-up appointment with the patient. Â
In addition to delivering quality assurance in hospital settings by ensuring accurate data capture, digitally recording appointment outcomes can help recover previously lost hospital income by reducing the inaccuracies associated with paper trail audits, and patients simply leaving an appointment with a paper outcome form without having the procedure code recorded. On average, payment for outpatient procedures equates to 18% of a Trust’s overall income. However, it’s estimated that up to 10% of this is lost as a direct result of incomplete or misplaced paper outcome forms. eOuctomes supports hospitals in capturing 100% of outpatient appointment outcomes digitally and accurately.
Implementing a process improvement project that removes paper trail and deploys eOutcomes to digitally record referral to treatment (RTT) and procedure codes can help recover previously lost income and deliver more efficient healthcare management processes. eOutcomes’ audit functionality allows staff to search by date, speciality, clinic, and clinician to review appointment outcome data, and identify and amend incomplete outcome forms.
Designed to deliver quality improvement by accurately capturing appointment outcomes and procedure codes, eOutcomes replaces paper outcome forms with a digital appointment outcome form that instantly updates the hospital’s PAS / EPR.
In addition to delivering quality assurance in hospital settings by ensuring accurate data capture, digitally recording appointment outcomes can recover previously lost hospital income by reducing the inaccuracies associated with paper trail audits, and patients simply leaving an appointment with a paper outcome form without having the procedure code from their appointment recorded.
Implementing a process improvement project that removes the paper trail and deploys a process to digitally record RTT and procedure codes can help recover lost income and deliver more efficient healthcare management processes.
By accurately recording appointment outcome information, eOutcome also supports those organisations on ‘Block Contracts’ by providing a comparison between accurate, captured information, against often historic ‘estimated’ levels of activity.
Book a DemoFull PAS/ EPR integration prevents double data entry and streamlines processesÂ
Removes the need for paper outcome forms and the associated validation process
Auto creation of Follow-up lists with OPCS/ICD-10 & RTT codes
Outpatient outcomes and procedure codes instantly update to PAS
Search by date, speciality, clinic and clinician in order to identify and amend incomplete forms
Alert functionality allows clinicians to notify administrative staff of the need to book a follow-up appointment
£70K per annum saving on printing costs since launching eOutcomes across the trust (at a medium sized trust)
100% of patient outcome forms are logged as complete in the first 3 months since launching eOutcomes (a large NHS hospital)
31% increase in income since launching eOutcomes across the trust (a medium sized trust)