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    Flow Manager

    A centralised patient flow dashboard, enabling staff to efficiently manage each stage of the outpatient journey, from one location.

    Why Flow Manager?

    Optimise patient flow

    Streamline operational processes and improve communication channels

    Real-time patient visibility

    At-a-glance, all staff can see which patients have arrived, which are late and who they are still expecting


    Identify patient flow blockages

    Support staff to identify potential ‘bottlenecks’ in the patient journey and intervene to reduce delays

    Improve operational efficiency

    Reduce and streamline processes to save time and realise significant operational efficiencies

    Support NHS Net Zero targets

    Reduce the environmental and financial impact of paper processes, including printing, paper transportation and storage costs

    Elevate the patient experience

    Streamline patient flow and operational processes to reduce the time patients spend in hospital

    Flow Manager allows our staff to manage each stage of the patient journey from a single location. They can quickly see which patients have arrived, which have not checked-in, if each patient is in the appropriate waiting room, if they have been called to see the clinician and when they have finished seeing the clinician. This will be key to alleviating pressure on our busy clinical and admin staff while ensuring they have insight into each patient’s location and progress from the moment, they arrive for their appointment to the moment they leave.

    Charlotte Smith – Project Manager

    Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust

    If any patients have a test as part of their appointment, we can now manage this electronically and provide departments such as radiology and ECG with a live work list of expected patients, meaning they can manage and control the traffic within the department much more effectively. As a result, we were able to gain a detailed understanding of the whole patient journey from a multidisciplinary perspective. Since going live, we have received positive feedback from our clinical, administrative and senior management teams. Our patient surveys have also collated fantastic feedback across the board.

    Suzanne Rodgers – Programme Manager

    ABMU (Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University) Health Board

    The technology is helping us to operate much more efficient clinics. Staff are notified of a patient’s arrival on the live dashboard and can see which clinic they are attending and which waiting room they have been directed to. Staff know where each patient is and are able to call them forward using the digital screens in that location. It gives them visibility as to which patients have arrived, which haven’t, where they’re located, which have been called forward for their appointment, and when they have been seen by a clinician.

    Jeni Bradshaw – Digital Programme Manager

    The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust

    Flow Manager provides oversight of every outpatient journey in real time, whether the appointment takes place inside the hospital, remotely in the community, or virtually at the patient’s home.

    Manage all appointment types

    Flow Manager supports staff to optimise patient flow by providing real-time oversight of each patient journey, from the patient’s arrival to discharge, follow-up appointment or onward care. From one centralised dashboard, staff can manage all appointment types – face-to-face hospital appointments, virtual (video or telephone) appointments or remote appointments in the community. Appointment tests and activities can be booked in advance, creating pre-planned workstreams. Flow Manager currently processes over 55 million outpatient appointments annually, including 56% of all NHS outpatient attendances.


    Optimise patient flow

    When a patient checks in using a kiosk, the mobile app, or at the reception desk, their status is automatically updated on the Flow Manager patient flow dashboard, alerting staff to their arrival. Flow Manager integrates with multiple hospital systems, including Electronic Patient Records (EPR) and Patient Administration Systems (PAS), to enhance care coordination, supporting a joined-up approach to patient-centred care and optimised patient flow workstreams, as previously isolated systems and processes connect seamlessly.

    Elevate the patient experience

    Clinicians can call patients directly to the clinic room via wall-mounted screens from the Flow Manager dashboard. Any patients flagged as visually impaired will be called with a high-contrast display, and the patient’s identity can be anonymised if required. By capturing key data during each patient journey, Flow Manager can also communicate potential clinic delays to patients via wall-mounted screens, helping improve communication channels with patients and manage expectations, supporting an evaluation of the patient experience.

    What makes Flow Manager different?

    Processing 56% of all NHS outpatient attendances, Flow Manager provides staff with oversight of each patient journey in real-time, from the patient arriving for their appointment through to discharge, a follow-up appointment or onward care. 

    Staff can manage each stage of an outpatient journey, across all appointment types, including:

    face-to-face hospital appointments
    virtual (video or phone) appointments
    remote appointments in the community 

    When a patient checks in using a kiosk, the mobile app, or at reception, their status is automatically updated on the dashboard. Icons including ‘visually impaired patient’ or ‘interpreter required’ alert staff and help deliver a better patient experience. Clinicians can call patients to the clinic room via wall-mounted screens. Any patients flagged as visually impaired will be called with a high-contrast display, and the patient’s identity can be anonymised if required. By capturing key data during each patient journey, Flow Manager can also communicate potential clinic delays to patients via wall-mounted screens.

    Integration with multiple systems including Electronic Patient Records (EPR) and Patient Administration Systems (PAS), enhances care coordination by supporting a joined-up approach to patient-centred care and optimised work streams.

    Book a demo

    PAS / EPR integration enhances coordination of care and streamlines processes

    Manage all appointment types (face-to-face, virtual and remote) with real-time data

    Automated alerts notify staff when patients require additional support (interpreter, etc.)

    Capacity Management feature supports social distancing / infection prevention measures

    Call patients through from waiting rooms to their appointment

    Communicate any clinic delays to patients via wall-mounted screens

    Processes over 55 million outpatient appointments annually

    Deployed in over 120 hospitals in the UK and internationally

    Processes approximately 56% of all outpatient attendances in the UK

    Linked Solutions