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    MHA Assessment Team organisation

    S12 Solutions helps mental health professionals efficiently complete MHA processes, leaving them more time to focus on supporting people subject to the MHA and their human rights.

    Best-fit MHA assessing teams

    An assessing team that truly understands the person being assessed is likely to find the best possible outcome for them, reducing the likelihood they will return quickly to mental health services 

    System efficiency

    Throughput may improve at A&E departments and places of safety

    Improved compliance

    The risk of unlawful detention is minimised

    Fewer interruptions

    Doctors are less likely to be interrupted during their downtime 

    Greater wellbeing

    Reducing frustrating administrative tasks may improve staff wellbeing 

    Evidence-based decision-making

    The platform’s activity data can be used by Sites to develop integrated improvements to workforce processes and capacity

    We appear to have a much larger pool of doctors who are more willing to be involved in s.12 work. It has given us access to more specialist doctors as and when we need them. For instance, in the last few months I have personally found it particularly useful for finding doctors who specialise in learning disabilities.


    I absolutely love the app. It’s made my life and record keeping easier. I hope we will continue using it for the future and expand it to cover more areas. I find it easy and straight forward; I like being able to plan my time with the visual booking system on the app. I find it much easier to submit and trace my claims.

    s.12 doctor

    During holiday periods we have often found it extremely difficult to find s.12 doctors in an expedient manner when we have had a high number of referrals. Availability has improved significantly during these periods since the app was launched. Our out of hours teams regularly struggle to find doctors from 4/5am onwards. However, the app has helped us identify a number of doctors who are available during these periods. This has led to a reduction in delays to assessments during these time periods.

    AMHP Lead

    S12 Solutions helps approved mental health professionals (AMHPs) efficiently organise the best-fit MHA assessment team for the person being assessed.

    Case for change

    Inefficient manual processes often used by AMHPs to assemble s.12 doctors routinely delayed MHA assessments, increasing distress and risk for people waiting to be assessed, while absorbing A&E department, emergency service and place of safety resources. Additionally, doctors’ s.12 approval status was not regularly checked, increasing the risk of unlawful detention.

    Pathway transformation

    S12 Solutions addresses these issues by providing a digital way for AMHPs to find and contact s.12 doctors; the platform automatically checks doctors’ s.12 approval status via its link with the Department of Health and Social Care’s MHA Register Database. 

    Improving outcomes

    Access to a larger doctor network helps AMHPs organise the best available assessing team for the person being assessed, in a timely way; a larger network is also useful when AMHPs’ usual doctors are redeployed, move away or retire.

    Doctors can add their Availability for s.12 work, Time Away and on-call arrangements 

    Doctors can maintain a profile containing their contact information and attributes, such as specialisms and languages spoken

    Doctors can work easily beyond regional boundaries

    AMHPs can search for available doctors near the assessment location

    AMHPs can search for doctors with attributes that best suit the person’s needs

    AMHPs can multi-text or call doctors

    S12 Solutions released approximately 6,832 hours to AMHP Services annually

    97% of AMHPs agree S12 Solutions gave them access to a larger doctor network

    92% of doctors agree S12 Solutions gave them more control of their s.12 work

    Linked Solutions