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    Synopsis iQ

    Synopsis iQ is the complete digital pre-operative assessment solution, including clinical decision support, helping to increase the throughput of fit-for-surgery patients to theatre and maximise theatre utilisation.


    Why Synopsis iQ?

    Increase patient throughput

    Create a streamlined, optimised pre-op process and maximise resources to increase theatre utilisation

    Triage patients faster

    Utilise over 250 clinically validated algorithms to summarise vast amounts of assessment data to help establish the patient’s risk level earlier 


    Cut cancellation rates

    Reduce administrative errors that can lead to last minute cancellations of surgery 


    Improve multidisciplinary working

    Improve communication and collaboration across teams, hospitals and trusts

    Support NHS Net Zero targets

    Reduce the environmental and financial impact of paper processes


    Improve the patient experience

    Provide patients with greater convenience and reduce time spent in hospital during the assessment process 


    Synopsis has led to a more streamlined and efficient process, allowing patients to have their POA recorded in one place, which is visible to all applicable staff Trust-wide, and enables our team to utilise our department more efficiently, thus improving patient experience.

    Rachel Foley – Clinical Benefits and Change Lead

    Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust

    Going digital with pre-op has delivered significant benefits across the trust. We no longer have to move paper notes between our three hospital sites or wait for notes to be scanned to the EPR, and there are no problems locating notes on the day of surgery.

    Dr Caroline Pritchard – Consultant Anaesthetist

    Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

    Synopsis has helped us reduce unnecessary communication between teams by making each patient’s pathway visible to all relevant staff via the central digital dashboard that integrates fully with our PAS, EPR and theatre scheduling systems. All MDT communications and documentations can happen within the Synopsis dashboard, meaning our pre-assessments are completely visible, transparent, and accessible to all members of our pre-operative assessment teams, at any time, across the trust.

    Sarah Gold – Head of Quality Assurance

    Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

    Maximise theatre utilisation

    Surgery and anaesthesia are the hospital’s engine room, where many costs are focused and where most revenue is generated (typically 70%). Synopsis ensures this process is efficient, supporting hospitals to increase patient throughput and theatre utilisation whilst reducing cancellation rates and risk. Synopsis iQ allows hospitals to manage the entire perioperative process digitally. By optimising the assessment process with the support of over 250 clinically validated algorithms, Synopsis increases pre-operative capacity and releases time to improve operational efficiency and, ultimately, theatre utilisation.


    Optimise the pre-op process

    Synopsis fully integrates with the hospital’s PAS / EPR, delivering effective digital transformation by connecting siloed data systems to smooth the flow of patients to surgery, reduce administrative time for clinicians and elevate the experience for patients. Synopsis processes over 110,000 patient pre-operative assessments annually, saving healthcare providers on average £1.4m, per annum. Savings are generated from the reduction of last-minute cancellations of surgery by an average of 20% and further administration time reductions, which releases nursing time back to the departments. 

    Utilise clinical decision support

    Synopsis iQ uses over 250 tailored algorithms, using data inputs from a range of systems, to generate clear outcomes – supporting the decision-making process with a full risk assessment. Synopsis provides a collection of published clinical scores, including ASA, STOP-BANG and P-POSSUM, with calculated cardiac and lung risk levels, and a mortality score. These risk scores provide a standardised, summarised view of the data, helping to identify low-risk patients who can be fast-tracked into light-touch care pathways and higher-risk patients requiring intervention.

    What makes Synopsis iQ different?

    Synopsis iQ is a digital pre-operative assessment solution with a powerful ‘decision engine’, which processes fast amounts of assessment data instantaneously to provide clinical decision support, helping to increase the throughput of fit-for-surgery patients to theatre and maximise theatre utilisation.

    Synopsis iQ receives data inputs from patients (completing their pre-operative assessment questionnaire at the hospital or from home via Synopsis Home), clinicians and even lab data from other systems.

    Synopsis harnesses the power of data using over 250 tailored algorithms to generate clear outcomes during a full risk assessment to produce a collection of published clinical scores. Synopsis iQ also generates a calculated cardiac risk and lung risk levels, and a mortality score as part of the assessment process.

    Accessing this information digitally, the hospital’s triage team can quickly identify patients low-risk patients who can be fast-tracked into light-touch care pathways and higher-risk patients requiring intervention. A searchable database of fit-for-surgery patients also supports hospitals fill any last-minute available theatre slots.

    Book a demo

    Full integration with PAS / EPR systems prevents double data entry

    250+ clinically validated algorithms support the clinical decision-making process

    Processes assessment data to provide a collection of published clinical scores, including ASA & STOP-BANG

    Share digital leaflets and pre-surgery educational materials with patients

    A searchable database of fit-for-surgery patients supports last-minute theatre slots to be filled

    Provides a standardised, but personalised summarised view of risk assessment data

    110,000 assessments completed annually

    250+ tailored algorithms support the clinical decision making process

    Saves £1.4m on average per healthcare provider, per annum

    Reduction of 52% of pre-op activity time for assessment

    A 94% reduction in paper and printing, reducing the trust’s overall carbon footprint by 17.4 tonnes

    7,000 additional POAs (40% increase) completed each year

    Linked Solutions