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    Digitise and streamline pre-operative pathways to tackle the surgical backlog 

    Synopsis is the complete digital pre-operative assessment platform, supporting hospitals to reduce surgery cancellation rates and increase theatre utilisation.

    Maximise theatre utilisation

    Surgery and anaesthesia are the hospital’s engine room. The pre-operative process is the fuel for that engine. Synopsis ensures this process is efficient, supporting hospitals to increase patient throughput and maximise theatre utilisation whilst reducing cancellation rates and risk. The Synopsis Platform enables hospitals to manage the entire pre-operative assessment digitally, delivering significant operational efficiencies to increase patient throughput to surgery. Synopsis is used within the NHS to complete over 110,000 pre-operative assessments annually, contributing to an average saving of £1.4m per Trust, per annum. Savings are generated from the reduction of last-minute cancellations of surgery by an average of 20%.

    Streamline the pre-operative process

    Synopsis has replaced the time-intensive paper-based pre-operative assessment process with a digital solution that is easy and convenient for patients to use, whilst saving time for hospital staff and reducing operation cancellation rates. Using Synopsis Home, patients are able to complete their pre-operative health questionnaire digitally from the comfort of their home. Synopsis iQ streamlines processes and supports hospitals in reducing risk with over 250 clinically validated algorithms within the Synopsis Engine. This engine processes vast amounts of data instantly to produce published risk levels including; ASA, Aspiration Risk, POSPOM and P-POSSUM, with calculated cardiac and lung risk levels, and a mortality score. These risk scores provide a summarised view of the data, helping to identify low-risk patients who can be fast-tracked into light-touch care pathways and higher-risk patients requiring intervention.

    Increase pre-operative capacity

    When patients complete their pre-operative assessment questionnaire at home, staff can swim-lane them before they attend hospital using the ASA risk score. ASA details the comorbidities and general health of the patient. On average, we find approximately 45% of patients are ASA 1 – therefore, the follow-up appointment can be a 15-minute telephone consultation with a Health Care Assistant, rather than a 1-hour face-to-face appointment with a Nurse or Anaesthetist. Using this model, one NHS trust has reported productivity savings of 47% – doubling available pre-operative capacity, whilst at another NHS trust, the pre-operative capacity has increased by 7,000 patients annually. 

    The Products

    Synopsis iQ

    The complete digital pre-operative assessment solution.

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    Synopsis Home

    Enable patients to complete their pre-op health questionnaire remotely.

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    All the functionality you expect and more


    Synopsis integrates with PAS / EPR systems to prevent double data entry

    Decision Support

    250+ clinically validated algorithms generate clear outcomes – supporting decision making process

    Clinical Scores

    Includes collection of published clinical scores – including ASA, STOP-BANG and P-POSSUM

    Empower Patients

    Patients can complete their pre-operative health questionnaire from home

    Educate Patients

    Share digital leaflets and pre-surgery educational materials with patients

    Net Zero

    Support NHS Net Zero targets by reducing the environmental and financial impact of paper processes 

    The Numbers

    Average 20% reduction of last-minute cancellations of surgery

    Reduction of 52% of pre-op activity time for assessment

    7,000 additional POAs (40% increase) completed each year

    64% reduction in face-to-face appointments

    A 94% reduction in paper and printing, reducing the trust’s overall carbon footprint by 17.4 tonnes 

    A clinical time saving of 27 minutes per patient (40%) within 6 months of go-live 

    Our elective surgery patients can now complete their health history questionnaire from the comfort of their own home, in their own time, then submit the answers in real-time to our clinical teams. After assessing the answers, our clinical staff can then quickly triage and separate the patients that are fit and ready for their operation and don’t require a full assessment in hospital from those that do. Staff also benefit from referrals and replies being contained within one system, alongside completed risk assessments.

    Rachel Foley – Clinical Benefits and Change Lead

    Worcestershire Acute Hospital

    The pre-op assessment department faces high volumes of last-minute requests for patient appointments. Any delays in the pathway, including last-minute transportation of notes, can often result in delays in theatre starting. The Synopsis solution will allow us to meet a number of Trust targets, such as seeing and caring for patients virtually if appropriate, which is especially critical in the current climate. Synopsis is providing our patients with a better experience leading up to surgery, and one they feel in control of.” “Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, our target to reduce the number of face-to-face appointments patients had to attend as well as reducing the miles travelled by our patients, highlighted the need for a digital pre-op pathway solution. Synopsis iQ and Synopsis Home is allowing us to further progress this target.

    Idris Wilson – Operational Services Manager, Emergency Surgery & Elective Care

    Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

    As with trusts across the country, we had patients waiting longer than we would have liked them to for planned surgery. Our patients can now start their pre-assessment journey at the earliest possible point in their pathway, which gives us the opportunity to triage them once they are listed and have completed their pre-operative assessment questionnaire out of hospital using Synopsis Home. Synopsis has helped us reduce unnecessary communication between teams by making each patient’s pathway visible to all relevant staff via the central digital dashboard that integrates fully with our PAS, EPR and theatre scheduling systems. “All MDT communications and documentations can happen within the Synopsis dashboard, meaning our pre-assessments are completely visible, transparent, and accessible to all members of our pre-operative assessment teams, at any time, across the trust.

    Sarah Gold – Head of Quality Assurance

    Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust